Flexibility is a vital part of day-to-day office life, and both employees and employers lay great focus on it, especially since the times of Corona. Regardless of location, daily tasks are carried out. Document Digitalization provides modern companies with excellent support in tackling this sometimes-daunting task by providing employees with digital copies of all physical documents in use. Digital documents support workflow optimization and protect your data in the best way possible.


Advantages as far as the eye can see

Document Digitalization includes scanning, saving, and managing documents in both computers and the cloud, with the following advantages:

  • Boost your efficiency:

Employees spend 20% of their entire time not finishing tasks but rather searching for documents and information. Document Management Systems (DMS) help improve document acquisition. By entering search terms in the electronic archive, your employees will be presented with all possible results. This is possible thanks to the analysis of complete texts as well as indexing when uploading new documents. This not only saves time but also improves productivity.

  • Data security at the highest level:

Classified information needs a secure way of storing it. It requires controlled access to meet the standards of the DSGVO. By encrypting highly sensitive data in electronic document storage, you protect your company’s valuable information from theft and prying eyes and are perfectly protected in terms of data protection and security.

  • Avoid unnecessary costs:

Apart from the obvious expenses for office materials, file cabinets, and archive solutions, paper documents require additional expenses for printing and copying, costs that are often overlooked. These costs include the purchase and maintenance of machines, as well as the money necessary for ink. One must also keep in mind the often-underestimated expenses for time and labor of employees. By switching to electronic document administration, all the mentioned costs will be greatly reduced.

  • For better cooperation:

Seeing, editing, or downloading – you decide who can access your files. Promote the cooperation of your team and share digital documents with your coworkers. Thanks to the ability to edit files simultaneously with others, there is no need to merge different versions as you would have to do with paper documents. The versioned storage of files also allows for the recovery of previous versions.


What one must keep in mind

Working with digitized documents offers a variety of advantages, although there are important factors to keep in mind when it comes to digitalization.

For example, companies must ensure compliance with applicable data protection and compliance regulations, especially in the case of sensitive information. To digitize and store documents correctly, storage guidelines ought to be rethought and updated. This includes setting retention periods and managing destruction processes.

Apart from correct storage, the choice of the technology used is of enormous value. Ensure that your digital infrastructure is reliable and can meet the requirements of your company. Sufficient resources and know-how are required for effective usage.

If all necessary security and management measures are taken care of, the transition from paper to digital documents is an effective means of increasing efficiency and productivity. With this technology, companies can streamline their processes, reduce costs, create a greener work environment, and improve paper document management.


Were you convinced by the benefits? Would you like more information on this topic? Read more about it in our Document Digitalization section.

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