Business Applications
Smart digital business solutions for advanced
business processes.

Business solutions for your success.
Efficiently digitalize and operate your company.
We are your central partner for the digitization and optimization of your business processes. Our expertise includes state-of-the-art technologies from leading providers such as SAP, P&I LOGA and DATEV to design and operate advanced, efficient solutions and services for your company.
We are one of the leading providers of DATEV and P&I LOGA solutions in Germany. International clients utilize our SAP competencies for global applications. We achieve this through our customer proximity and flexibility, which we consider as part of our DNA.
Some key facts from successfully implemented projects and services:
- The world’s first S/4HANA implementation on Microsoft Azure
- Over 140 SAP experts and global 24/7 availability of our services
- More than 1,000,000 wage and salary recipients per year
- Leading DATEV full-service provider with more than 600 DATEV customers in Germany with 15,000 users
These customers rely on Business IT solutions from CONVOTIS

Contact us!
Are you interested in our Business IT offerings?
Do you want to learn more about SAP and P&I LOGA?
The CONVOTIS team is ready to assist you!

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