Success Story ENBI

HR Business Process Outsourcing – Enbi

Industry: Manufacturing

Enbi is a global provider of innovative technical solutions and, among other things, a partner for heat pump manufacturers to enable energy-efficient, year-round comfort for homes or businesses.

The company faced the need to focus on truly strategic issues in HR work. For the administrative processes related to payroll, Enbi sought a partner.

Enbi chose CONVOTIS as its solution partner, which took over the payroll process based on the powerful P&I Loga software in a model of “Business Process Outsourcing”. The partnership aimed to delegate the complex steps of payroll matters to CONVOTIS. However, data entry continued to be managed by Enbi itself. In addition to focusing on strategic issues, outsourcing also allowed for minimizing the risk in the payroll area, where it becomes increasingly challenging to find suitable personnel and keep up with legal changes.

Thanks to CONVOTIS’ expertise, not only is the LOGA software optimally configured but payroll processing is also carried out to the fullest satisfaction.



The outsourcing of payroll processing to CONVOTIS resulted in time savings for the HR department, as well as increased transparency and improved accessibility for employees.

"The partnership with CONVOTIS has allowed us to focus more on strategic HR work. Their solution has not only increased our efficiency but also improved employee satisfaction through access to modern HR tools. We particularly appreciate the flexibility and scalability of the services, which always keep pace with us. CONVOTIS and P&I Loga have proven to be important partners of our HR organization."